A Pecha Kucha night is an evening event where presenters show a slideshow of 20 images, each of which is shown for 20 seconds — giving a total presentation time of 6 minutes 40 seconds. Each event usually has 8 - 14 presenters. Presenters (and much of the audience) are usually from the design, architecture, photography, art and creative fields.
The Pecha Kucha presentation format was originally devised by two architects in Tokyo, Japan in 2003. Since then, the event format has been replicated in more than 200 cities around the world. New Zealand's Pecha Kucha Nights (PKN) are now held in 6 cities: Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Nelson, Hamilton and Dunedin.
Christchurch's upcoming PKN wil be held this Thursday at Dux de Lux and is a special edition event, produced in collaboration with Ten-Pacific Arts Festival. Click here for more information about PKN events and for a list of speakers and photographs from the last PKN held in Christchurch in September.
Dux de Lux, Corner Hereford and Montreal Streets
Doors open 7pm, starts at 7.30pm, entry by koha, come early - space is limited
The Pecha Kucha presentation format was originally devised by two architects in Tokyo, Japan in 2003. Since then, the event format has been replicated in more than 200 cities around the world. New Zealand's Pecha Kucha Nights (PKN) are now held in 6 cities: Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Nelson, Hamilton and Dunedin.
Christchurch's upcoming PKN wil be held this Thursday at Dux de Lux and is a special edition event, produced in collaboration with Ten-Pacific Arts Festival. Click here for more information about PKN events and for a list of speakers and photographs from the last PKN held in Christchurch in September.
Dux de Lux, Corner Hereford and Montreal Streets
Doors open 7pm, starts at 7.30pm, entry by koha, come early - space is limited
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